4 beds with 1 couch and 2 bathrooms,4 study tables


DESCRIPTION: The complex has 1 couch with 4 beds that has blankets and pillows and it has 2 bathrooms ,4 study tables with a chair.

RENT:80$ per person in a month



  1. Magnificent job Sulaiman, delightful, wonderful, admirable, amazing, astonishing, awesome, brilliant, cool, enjoyable, excellent, fabulous, fantastic, fine, incredible, magnificent, marvelous, outstanding, phenomenal, pleasant, pleasing, remarkable, sensational. I am a very huge fan of this job and I have not expected it from you, you have truly beaten your...self. and you have opened my eyes and helped me improve my life exponentially. of course, as someone as sincere and formal as you are, you would think that this comment is a joke, but no.. it is NOT, i think that you have a very well done job and im sure that everyone else is proud of you even if you may not be proud of yourself, keep going.


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