3 beds with 1 bathroom


DESCRIPTION: The complex has 3 beds each bed have Its own study table and each person have its own cabinet and there is 1 bathroom in the dorm with no kitchen and no living room.

RENT:75$ per month for 2 people



  1. This room is incredibly cozy, the perfect recipe for mental peace. The only place where I dont feel like im in the mood of punching everyone i see, for absolutely NO reason. as you can tell, I am indeed mentally insane. but what is mental insanity? is it an illusion made by society to treat those who cant express their inner anger better? I think it is, and i think that everyone in the world must have a place in this society. Yes, I agree that serial killers should be treated perfectly the same as "normal people", because serial killers arent even real, they are just regular people with slight anger issues. However, all of this can just be ignored due to this blog post that you have published, truly eye opening. Here, in this room, people dont stress over anything, its just peace. Thank you for your help.


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